Help us develop Rote Burg

The Triratna Buddhist movement has a vibrant urban community in Berlin. We are currently building a secluded forest retreat centre in the countryside outside of Berlin. The serenity at the retreat centre creates an environment to deepen our practice together and offer retreats to people from all over the world.

Developing Rote Burg is the vital step to take today. Modern life is very stimulating and changing fast. Meditation and going on retreat ground us and help us find stillness, awareness, compassion and energy amidst these changes. As contemporary Buddhists we believe strongly in the benefits our transformative practices can have today. We want as many people as possible to come and experience the gift of the Buddha’s teachings in the stillness of nature.

To create this transformative place we need your help. There are many ways to contribute. We have bought the building and the land. Renovation will take place over the next two years. The total cost of the project is €3.1 million. Initial fundraising is already going well. The main task this year and next - in 2024 and 2025 - is to fundraise €1.7 million and to be at Rote Burg collectively to enjoy and prepare the site.